Reviews Of "Bartering With
James Harvey Stout"

(Part of Bartering With James Harvey Stout was originally published by TAB Books, Inc., with the title, Personal and Business Bartering.)

"As a nationwide barter consultant, I love to read just about everything there is on the subject of barter. Nothing I have read is as comprehensive, detailed, and well-written on this subject, as your book. Congratulations on being the consummate source of information on this exciting and exploding field of barter." Bob Newman, former consultant and owner of a barter organization (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"I found your book to be a very interesting and simplified version of how trading works." Thomas H. McDowell, President of American Trade Exchange, and President of the National Association of Trade Exchanges (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"I received the copy of your new book, Personal and Business Bartering, and I was very impressed. Your comprehension of the subject matter was broad and deep. It was well-presented and will undoubtedly be very popular with both the general consumer and the business owner who would be interested in enhancing their life style with barter. Congratulations on a well-written analysis of the field of barter." M.J. McConnell, President of Business Exchange, an international barter organization (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"Thank you for your book chapter. You seem to be communicating the barter concept well. Your book should be well-received and I would appreciate an autographed copy when it's published." Robert J. Murley, publisher of Barter Communique, and President of Full Circle Marketing Corporation, a barter brokerage (in a review of the chapter about "bartering for advertising" in Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"It's very interesting." Bob Meyer, Editor/Publisher of Barter News, an international trade journal (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"If your ambition is to conduct a substantial part of your personal and/or business life without the exchange of cash, this book should prove helpful. The author covers just about all aspects of bartering imaginable." Cleve Twitchell, book reviewer for The Mail Tribune in Medford, Oregon (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"Personal and Business Bartering shows you exactly how to do it. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book from cover to cover and got an education in the process.I can recommend this book for your reference library." The Editors of Artquest (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"James Stout educates the neophyte, and transforms the cash waster into a bartering giant. You can't help but get the ‘trading feeling' in your blood after reading this book. Even though Mr. Stout gives one of the most comprehensive overviews and explanations on barter, don't think for a minute that you'll be bored. There are plenty of practical stories and examples to keep your interest piqued." Tom Schreiter, book reviewer for Opportunity Connection (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).

"I have read the book, and have found it to be very interesting. I am very anxious to receive the rest of your books." Gerald R. Sanders, a customer (in a review of Personal and Business Bartering in the mid-1980s).
