Introduction -
"The Music Of Poetry"

By James Harvey Stout (deceased). This material is now in the public domain. The complete collection of Mr. Stout's writing is now at >


The Music Of Poetry takes us on an imaginative exploration of poetry and creativity. We see poetry as a parallel of life itself -- with its rhythms, rhymes, images, sounds, structure. And we study the similarities between poetry and music. Also, we examine the nature of creativity, as the natural act of soul, when soul expresses itself into our mind, our emotions, and our physical world.

All arts come from the same source -- and they all use the same vitality and the same principles (e.g., harmony, balance, and rhythm).

I have studied many of those arts extensively:

  1. Writing: I have been a professional writer off-and-on for 30 years. My writing has included more than 20 books, 120 published magazine articles, hundreds of poems (65 of which have been published in magazines), columns in newspapers and trade journals, more than 1,000 press releases, technical manuals for two software companies, and a novel.
  2. Music: I was a solo singer-guitarist in more than 100 performances at nightclubs and restaurants. I composed the music and lyrics for approximately 500 songs; some of them are in Garden Of Hearts. In school, I participated in dozens of music groups, including choruses, musicals, bands (as the first-chair clarinetist, and then as a bassoonist), and I was voted "Most Musically Talented" in my senior class.
  3. Visual arts: I sold more than 100 photographs to magazines and newspapers. I was the staff photographer at a college. I did the graphic design for a weekly newspaper for two years.
  4. Life itself: Life is an art form. I like to be creative in my general lifestyle, my personal activities, and in my business ventures. (Yes, business, too, is an art form.)
