What Is It Like To Be an Adult Barterer?

By James Harvey Stout (deceased). This material is now in the public domain. The complete collection of Mr. Stout's writing is now at http://stout.mybravenet.com/public_html/h/ >


In childhood, bartering is fun. We can meet people, and get some things which we want. But many adults barter to pay for things they can't live without. Mr. Marburn pays for his groceries by working at a food co-op store. Celia got her Mazda car by trading three horses for it.

It's important to learn "bartering," while we are still young. When we become adults, we will already know how to set up deals.

Some adults barter their talents in auto painting, bookkeeping, cooking, dog grooming, electrical work, farm work, foreign languages, hauling, home building, landscaping, legal help, office work, plumbing, roofing (so our roof won't leak during a noisy thunderstorm), shoe repair, silk screening, speech therapy, tax advice, tree pruning, typing, and other activities.

Other adults trade their auto parts, boat engines, building materials (bricks, concrete, etc.), carpets, chainsaws, clothes driers, furniture, guns, household items, plywood, real estate, tools, trucks, and other things.

As we grow older, our "barter lists" will grow longer and longer. We will be skilled traders.
