
By James Harvey Stout (deceased). This material is now in the public domain. The complete collection of Mr. Stout's writing is at .

Jump to the following topics:

  1. The value of awards.
  2. Techniques for receiving awards.
  3. Resources.
  4. Tips for giving awards.

The value of awards.

  1. The value of receiving awards.
  2. The value of giving awards.

Techniques for receiving awards.  

  1. We can consider the value of this award.
  2. We can select particular types of awards.
  3. We can apply for awards.
  4. We can display the awards.


  1. Sites which have lists of award-givers.
  2. Free award-submission services. These services will submit our site to many award-givers simultaneously, with just one application form.
  3. Webrings of award sites.

Tips for giving awards.

  1. We can select the qualifications for winners. The award will have more meaning if its criteria correspond to our field of interest; for example, if we sell graphics software, we might want to give an award for the best use of graphics on a website.
  2. We design the graphic of the award.
  3. We can require a link from the award to our site. Some award-givers do not require a link.
