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Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.

William Faulkner


"Time is something that happens when nothing happens."



Patience and time do more than strength or passion.


Jean de La Fontaine 


" Your time is up. "


"The pulse of blood in the clitoris of a woman is like the ticking of the clock."


Sigmund Freud


Love makes time pass; time makes love pass.


French Proverb 

"Remember that time is money."

Benjamin Franklin


At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment .

Benjamin Franklin, in Poor Richard's Almanac


Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.


Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to gain leisure.


Remember that time is money.


Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both.


Leisure is the time for doing something useful.


Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.


Benjamin Franklin


"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."


Robert Frost


Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.

Robert Frost



Stronger than an army is a quotation whose time has come.


W. I. E. Gates 




The problem of the future is that it usually arrives when we're not ready for it

Arnold H Glasgow, psychologist.


Never make predictions, especially not about the future

Samuel Goldwyn


There is more to life than increasing its speed.


--Mohandas K. Gandhi


Time has been transformed, and we have changed; it has advanced and set us in motion; it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with bewilderment and exhilaration.

Kahlil Gibran


"Destiny is simply the accellerated form of time."





Mal te pedonarán a ti las horas,
las horas que limando están los días,
los días que royendo están los años.


(The hours, they forgive you not,
the hours wearing down the day,
the days that gnaw the year to its end.)

(Luis Góngora, De la brevedad engañosa de la vida(fragm.)


His acting remains forever fixed in a time that never dates.


Cary Grant   


Men moet met zijn tijd meegaan!
En als de tijd nu ergens heengaat waar ik bepaald niet wil belanden?

(One has to keep up with the time,
but what if the time is going somewhwere I don't want to be at all?)

(J. Greshoff, Nachtschade, blz. 164)



Perfection is the child of time.


Joseph Hall 

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.


Sydney J. Harris



Het uitgebereide heden verhoudt zich maar moeizaam tot andere tijden, zoals de natuurlijke tijden van het lichaam, de cyclus van geboorte, groei, aftakeling en dood, of de sociale tijden van werk, gezin, school en vrije tijd.

Die veelheid aan tijden, mede resultaat van wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen, vergt voortdurende coördinatie.
Verschillende soorten tijd moeten harmonisch op elkaar afgestemd - een kwestie van timing en tuning.

Van kinds af aan leren we hoe dat te doen, bijvoorbeeld door routines te ontwikkelen, door tijd in stukken te hakken en eerst datgene te doen wat prioriteit heeft, door even ergens bij stil mte staan, of door bepaalde gebeurtenissen juist even niet onder ogen te willen zien.

Behalve een technisch-organisatorische opgave is dat afstemmen ook een politiek-normatieve kwestie. Immers verschillende tijdregimes herbergen verschillende waardepatronen.


(The extensive present relates only with difficulty to other times, like the natural times of the body, the cycle of birth, growth, decay and death, of the social times of labor, family, school and leisure,

That diversity of times, partly the result of scientific and technological developments, demands constant coordination.
Different types of time must be harmonically tuned - a matter of timing and planning.

From our early childhood on we learn how to do that, for instance by settling routines, by chunking time and do firstly what has the priority, by reflecting for a while about things, by not wanting to face certain occurrences for a moment.

Except for being a technical-organizational assignment is that tuning also a political-normative matter. For different regimes of time harbor different sets of values.)


Hans Harbers en Mari Huijer - fac. wijsbegeerte RUG Gronigen in:
Dingen gaan Voorbij, ze gaan over - en dat is maar goed ook,
Artikel NRC -handelsbld 18 Febr. 2006 2006 n.a.v.
de afschaffing van verjaringen in het strafrecht
door DNA-bewijzen van onschuld jaren later.

(Two philosophers in NRC-courant, a dutch newspaper, to the occasion
of abolishing the expiration of crimes in penal law,
for later DNA proofs of innocence)

Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away.


Ben Hecht 

"History is the spirit estranged in time."






 'For a truly joyful and auspicious human work to flourish, must man have the capacity to climb from the depths of his attachment at home up to the ether. Ether here stands for the high flight of the high heavens, the open real of the spirit.'

 'Voor een waarlijk vreugdevol en heilzaam menselijk werk
om te gedijen, moet de mens in staat zijn op te klimmen vanuit de diepten van zijn aarding thuis tot in de ether. Ether staat hier voor de vrije lucht van de hoge hemelen, het open bereik van de geest.'

Martin Heidegger, 'Verhandeling over het denken'
'Treatise on human thought'


"Pantha Rhei" (everything is in flux).




...aangezien het leven zich niets ontziend in de lengte ontrolt,
moet je proberen het zo breed mogelijk te maken (....),
moet je proberen het in de breedte te laten uitdijen.'

(because live ruthlessly unrolls lenghtwise,
one must try to make it as wide as possible (...),
must one try to make it expand widthwise.)

A. F. Th. van der Heyden in Vallende Ouders


A great man's greatest good luck is to die at the right time


Eric Hoffer


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  


Oliver Wendell Holmes


" Pick my left pocket of its silver dime, but spare the right - it holds my golden time! "

Oliver Wendell Holmes



" If you want work well done, select a busy man -- the other kind hasn't time. "


Elbert Hubbard


"Time is the product of the experience of changing sensations."


de klok houdt de tijd
die zij mij aangeeft

(the clock keeps the time it indicates)

(Willem Hussem,uit: Voor twee scharren blauwbekken)  


 "The perception of duration itself presupposes a duration of perception"



Suddha brahma paraath para Ram,
Kaalaathmaka parameswara Ram"
(Ram, the pure Essence, the Supreme Beyond Ram,
the Time Principle, the Lord of Lords)


Wisdom (ilm) and generosity are marks of people who are capable of passing beyond "time" (zaman).

Ahmed Hulusi  in
Sufi Words Of Spiritual Enlightenment



"I will make the shadow cast by the sun go back the ten steps it has gone down on the stairway of Ahaz.'" So the sunlight went back the ten steps it had gone down.

Holy Bible: Isaiah 38:8I

Time is given us to use in view of eternity.


Henry Allan Ironside  



Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light.

Holy Bible: John 11:9

And Jesus said to Thomas:

"Woe to you who dwell in error, heedless that the light of the sun which judges and looks down upon the all will circle around all things so as to enslave the enemies. You do not even notice the moon, how by night and day it looks down, looking at the bodies of your slaughters!

Nag hammadi, The book of Thomas the Contender

En Jezus zei tegen Thomas:
Wee jullie die leven in dwaling en niet opzien naar het licht van de
zon, dat oordeelt over het Al, en neerblikt op het Al, dat zich zal keren tegen al jullie daden, en haar vijanden in slavernij zal voeren. En jullie nemen ook de maan niet waar, zoals ze bij nacht en dag op jullie afgeslachte lichamen neerschijnt,

Nag Hammadi, Het Boek van Thomas de Kempvechter 2.7: 144


Vooral sedert de uitvinding van het polshorloge hebben we geen tijd meer.

(Especially since the invention of the wristwatch do we have no time anymore.)

(Karel Jonckheere, Ook ik, zelfs gij, vooral wij)

If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system.

William James  


And in my previous life I also did not believe in reincarnation.

Fons Jansen



Ik heb al veel tijd verloren met op tijd te zijn.


(I've lost so much time with being on time...)

(Karel Jonckheere, Filter uw dag, blz.100)


If time is money , then everyone is in debt.

(Als tijd geld is, leeft iedereen boven zijn stand)

Dutch saying



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