The Ego Pages

Ego Documents



Read e-books:

Some of these literature-pages are in Dutch, Later on maybe there will be more publications in English. Please read an overview of my writings to get an idea of what I have written over the years.

First of all there is "The Other Rules" or ' How to love the world (and her)' at The Orde of Time: it is an e-book written under the pseudonym T.H.E. Servant. It is a "A consideration of postmodern reintegration with the name filognosy: love for knowledge. It departs from a basic notion of the cartesian method, with the apollonian values as its sole direction in adapting old vedic truth's to western thought and culture (with zip-download)" More straight: a free downloadable e-book written as a serious psychological/spiritual response to recent ('97) american publications about the rules for woman relating to men. This concept is derived from the lore of vedic wisdom spread in the western world in the second half of the twentiest century. It can be considered an adaptation in western terms of the oldest of human culture fixed in Sanskrit, for which the new term filognosy (or philognosy, love for knowledge) is introduced. Inclucing a zip-file of html-pages, images and a glossary.

Secondly there is the translation of two classics of India: the Bhagavad Gîtâ of Order: this translation is based on the study of the at present available versions over the Internet and tries to give un updated readable account of theis 'Song of God', at the one hand as loyal to the Sanskrit as possible, while at the other hand trying to speak top the heart and understanding of (post)0modern man. The other classic is the Bhagavad Purâna (the Srimad Bhâgavatam); 'the Story of the Fortunate One'. It describes the story of Lord Krishna His life and times and contains the cream of vedic knowledge. It belongs to the most impoprtant books of the world. This project, started in jan 2000, will take several year to complete.



Lees ook het overzicht over wat ik zoal geschreven heb.

Het 'NIET'-Paradigma ( Maart 1986): 'Alle (paradigmatische) aktiviteit bestaat als een relatieve, zichzelf bewijzende tijdsgewaarwording die merkwaardigerwijze in feite niets anders doet dan de tijdgebonden buitenwereld met het wisselende andere te (ont)kennen terwille van de eigen vitaliteit.' In dit artikel wordt nader ingegaan op de betekenis van het begrip paradigma voor het psychologiebedrijf. Na een nadere toelichting op de psychologie als de studie van het woord, wordt ingegaan op de negatie bij de bestudering van door menselijke waarden bepaalde paradigmata. Met de positieve erkenning van deze negatie worden de implicaties besproken van het daaruit volgende 'NIET'-paradigma

De Spiegel van de Tijd: dit boek staat is te bestellen via de boekhandel: ISBN 90-70986-96-3 maar is nu ook in zijn geheel beschikbaar op het internet. Het boek beschrijft enerzijds een persoonlijke ervaringsgeschiedenis in samenhang met de tijd en anderzijds de ontdekking van het nut der ware tijd. Het geeft een korte historische analyse van het tijdprobleem en bespreekt een experiment dat leidde tot wat je de Meijer-vergelijking kan noemen (Tp=Tw-Tk: de psychologische tijd is het produkt van het verschil tussen de ware tijd en de klokkentijd zie ook "Termen").

'Krsna en de Zingende Filosoof': een bespreking van de eerste vier hoofdstukken van de Bhagavad Gita. Het beschrijft de filosofie en de muziek van de Caitanya-Vaishnavva's (Hare Krsna's) vanuit het gezichtspunt van een toegewijde (Anand Aadhar Prabhu). Nu in zijn geheel op het Internet inclusief illusatraties en MIDI, AUDIO an MP3 bestanden van de bij het boek horende muziek.

Onder het pseudonym T.H.E. Servant is er voor De Orde van de Tijd een gratis E-boek geschreven genaand "De Andere regels" of: 'Hoe van de wereld te houde (en van haar)'. Het is:"Een overweging van post-moderne integratie met de naam filognosie: liefde voor de kennis. Het gaat uit van de basis-notie van de cartesiaanse methode, met de apollinische waarden als de enige leidraad in het aanpassen van oude vedische waarheden aan het westers denken en de kultuur (zip-download)" . Meer rechtstreeks: een serieus psychologisch/spiritueel antwoord op recente ('97) amerikaanse publikaties over de regels voor vrouwen om met mannen om te gaan. Dit concept is afgeleid van de traditie van de vedische wijsheid zoals die is verspreid in het westerse wereld in de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw. Het boek kan worden beschouwd als een aanpassing in westerse termen van het oudste van de menselijke kultuur gefixeerd in het Sanskriet, waarvoor de nieuwe term filognosie (liefde voor de kennis), is geintroduceerd. Met ingebrip van een zip-file van html-pagina's, afbeeldingen en een woordenlijst.

Daarnaast zijn er nog twee projecten gaande: een vertaling van de complete Bhagavad Gita, de Bhagavad Gîtâ van Orde gebaseerd op de studie van de bestaande huidige versies op het internet met de bedoeling een aan de (post)moderne tijd aangepaste leesbare versie te produceren enerzijds die anderzijds zo getrouw is aan het Sanskriet als maar mogelijk is. Het tweede project betreft de vertaling van de Bhagavad Purâna (Srîmad Bhâgavatam), het Verhaal van de Fortuinlijke, een project dat enkele jaren zal vergen. Het beschrijft het leven en de tijd van Heer Krishna en bevat de essentie van de vedische kennis.






Mental Health and the Timesystem: the Analytical Conclusion. A report from 1991 to P. Vroon, Professor in Experimental Psychology, about the timesystem. This report formed the basis for the dutch book 'De Spiegel van de Tijd' and the building of this website. It was also presented at the 'International Conference on Health and Spirituality' at Poona, India sept 1992.

The most important article (60 pages!) written is as yet "The Filognostic Manifesto" (Nederlands: Het " Filognostisch Manifest" ). It is written for The Order of Time and it describes the viewpoints and policy of The Order of Time. With the theme of war and peace as its lead it discusses the diverse subjects of politics, religion and philosophy to answer the question on how the solve the problem of work and unemployment. 

"The Dream" on the birth of the Cakra Tempometer (as T.H.E. Servant) (ook in 't Nederlands)

Also published at The Order of Time is "About Guru's and their Teaching" under the name Anand Aadhar Prabhu (niet in 't Nederlands beschikbaar). This article critically surveys the value of eastern guru's and their teachings in western society. 

Religious Time as Anand Aadhar. This article describes how the different concepts of religious time can be understood and combined into a unified and integrated concept of world-time in contrast with the timelessness of the modern informationculture. 

Alien Frequencies and AIDS. This article stresses the importance of being alert to the themes of the cinema that constitute analytic material like in dreams as warning signals to -in this article- an absence of relativity in our respect of time. The fear of alien frequencies and the hiv-virus is discussed to an example of an s.f. movie.  

Temporal Deterministic Dualism, or the return of God in the social sciences. As P. Chaste . This article describes the foundations, reality, fears and implementation of a new dualism of time-management in the post-modern era. 

The essence of spirituality. as anand Aadhar . This article revises the concept of spirituality against the light of ancient vedic values at the one hand and modern natural science at the other hand. It concludes wellwishing that this definition according to true time, loyalty to the celibate, economic austerity and vegetarian compassion contributes to the interest of bringing more personal happiness in the fist place and will also offer a broader perspective to a future world order. 

Time for Sex. as Anand Aadhar. How does time relate to sex? It is a simple question that takes some time to answer properly. This article tries to formulate the basics of modern sexuality in the reality of our 'New Time'.

About why the year 2000 should be counted as 2753. Since we as westerners and world citizens have to learn from our history, in fact our year should be 2753 AUC after 2000 years of christian education (Ab Urbe Condita; from the foundation of the city). The fact that hardly anyone knows of this origin sets the problem of our discussion as being one of the ignorance and the psychology of our own time and time-system. This article proposes for a non repressive almost secret approach with the duality of an alternative classical calendar, that does restore our original belief and culture of timerespect.

Sun, Moon and the New World Order. This article deals with the mondial opposition of cultural time-respect. It stresses the importance of a conscious dualistic and holistic approach that does justice to all legal, religious and profane claims of time-managent. The resulting full calendar of order is discussed as an ideal contribution to a solution for the problem of time-management of the New World Order.

Cropcircles and the Key to the World Order. This article takes up the challenge formed by the reality of cropcircles from an unknown origin. After discussing the psychology of repression and denial and an analysis of the phenomenon there is a conclusion stating that to arrive at a mondial concept of time-management is fundamental to the idea of a practical key to the world culture we could offer the alien intelligences we are dealing with.

Democratic Elections... (ook in 't Nederlands): Rationalism, pragmatism, humanism. What is their relationship, what is the method to arrive at a government that is stable at the one hand and still in respect for the dynamics of our personal evolution? Who should represent us, what is the future of political parties and how should the falsehood of any system be fought in the first place? What has God to do with it and how should we incorporate each in our societal order? All these questions are answered in this speech about what our concerns should be to the regular incidence of democratic elections.


More articles concerning the subject of time have appeared at the article page of The Order of Time. (all articles there marked with a * are of my own hand).




Gray Page

Where all frustrations come out, logical or not. The page offers aphorisms (short sayings stating a general truth) in the form of an alternative glossary of terms. Here you can find: glorious insights or frustrations less serious or logical as should. You can add your own aphorisms directly on a separate page.


Recommendations (quotes).

Quotations from the world literature relevant to The Ego Pages. They cover (as yet) in a chinese style the subjects of wisdom, change, time, about The Order, Confucius, the game and rules.


Ego History (About the author):

Read about myself for a description of my person. my opinion, my conviction, my writings and hobby's.




Discuss with others your own ideas about the blessi ngs and the hell of the ego. This will be put in function later on. To begin with you can add your own ego-pages to the Ego Friends Directory, or you can find a start for a discussion about it at under Ego Pages (-free subscription to add yours first is required!).



Renown Ego's

This page is projected for displaying information and providing links about my personal idea of renown ego: identifying with the historical personalities of these ego's I dare say: that could have been the lives that led to the life I am living now. The page offers a time-line through history from a personal point of view.